


What You receive with TeleEMC

An EMC must be treated within 14 days of the injury. if the injury is not labeled as an EMC there is a cap of $2,500 of PIP medical benefits, to receive the maximum $10,000 of benefits an M.D., D.O., P.A., or N.P. are the only providers legally authorized to generate a written determination that the insured has an Emergency Medical Condition (EMC).

According to the Statute, a Chiropractor cannot determine if an Emergency Medical Condition exists.

We have partnered with the most powerful and largest cloud-centric electronic medical records system, eClinicalWorks. With its step by step easy to use system we offer a faster more efficient EMC assessment.
Our 24 hour reporting guarantees your patients EMC will be faxed or emailed within 24 hours.

Getting Started is easy as ONE, TWO, THREE


EMC made easy as one, two, three!!

TeleEMC offers convenient 100% secure telemedicine exams for patients involved in automobile accidents. Our services are designed to ensure the highest quality of care within the comforts of your office. With the use of state-of-the-art hardware and software, we deliver superior patient specific interactive exams performed by our experienced health care providers.

Our staff works closely with the Chiropractic community as well as with healthcare providers. We review patients relevant medical records, notes, and diagnostic studies and perform thorough examinations to determine if an Emergency Medical Condition diagnosis exists.




(866) 324-4956


M-F 8am - 7pm
Sat  8am - 4pm